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Keep Hotel Properties Secure With A Commercial Locksmith

  Security breaches in a hotel environment can greatly impact the guest experience; as stated in an article published on Toronto.com, many guests prioritize and advise double-locking their doors at night in case another guest is mistakenly given the wrong key. Your hotel is a commercial business that really needs […]

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What Is Lock Bumping?

According to Statisca.com, 130,748 breaking and entering incidents took place in Canada in 2023. While the number of breaking and entering incidents was lower than in 2022, it’s an alarming statistic that calls for the right action and security knowledge to keep premises protected. Security knowledge includes the concept of […]

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How Can I Prevent Employee Theft?

Employees are an important part of your business and are trusted members of the team. You have probably built strong working relationships with most of your employees over the years and wouldn’t be able to function successfully without them. However, though most of the people you hire will be honest, […]

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Why Invest In Commercial Access Control?

Many business owners struggle to figure out which security measures to implement in their businesses. It can be challenging to decide which security measure is worth the investment with so many options available. Commercial access control is beneficial for businesses operating across Toronto and the GTA. It comes with many […]

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How Do Magnetic Locks Work?

There are many different kinds of locks to choose from when securing your business, and with so much choice, it can be a challenge to pick the best one for you. Magnetic locks are some of the most popular types chosen because they can be used on a range of doors and […]

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A How-To Guide On Protecting Your Commercial Property

Whatever your industry, you want to make sure that your commercial property is safe and secure at all times. It can be difficult to know how to protect commercial property, especially with all of the different options on the market, but we’re here to help. In this post, we’re going […]

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