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Why Does My Business Need A Commercial Locksmith?

Your business has valuable inventory that deserves maximum security to ensure the longevity of your business.

Security solutions and locksmiths don’t just give you the peace of mind that you’re covered in the event of a burglary or attempted break-in, but they also provide comprehensive security and coverage for other things like digital security managementlock replacement and so much more.

For these reasons, it’s essential that your business partners with a commercial locksmith that can be at your beckoning call whenever you need them. If you’re not quite convinced, we’ve compiled this list of reasons why you should partner with a commercial locksmith to help you when you need them most.

Protecting Your Business From Theft And Other Threats

One of the most obvious reasons that you need to partner with a commercial locksmith is to protect your business from theft. Theft from both internal and external sources can cost businesses millions of dollars depending on the company size, and no matter what the size of the industry or your business is, theft can be distressing and devastating.

To ensure you keep your business safe from internal and external threats, you’ll need a locksmith who can change and update your locks and access depending on your preferences.

Internal threats, which refer to threats coming from inside a business such as employees, can cost Canadian businesses upwards of $1.4 billion, so it’s integral to partner with a commercial locksmith who can change access rights and locks to limit your employee access. This is especially useful if you’ve recently changed staff who have access to your locks, know entry codes or have keys.

Having a commercial locksmith who you can rely on 24/7 means you can easily change your access rights and locks, stopping ex-employees from stealing money or valuable goods from your business (this is especially important if employees leave unexpectedly or on bad terms).

To Make Sure That You Keep Your Entrance Systems Up To Date

It may sound strange, but out-of-date security systems, especially digital systems, can compromise your security, leaving you extremely vulnerable to break-ins or leaving you locked out if the system fails entirely.

This could cost you a significant amount of money if you lose trading hours or inventory as a result of a break-in or lockout. To avoid this scenario, you’ll need access to a knowledgeable commercial locksmith that understands how to update entrance systems to keep your business secure.

They’ll be able to advise you on the best time to upgrade your systems or they can conduct any repairs if the system collects dust, is damaged by water, or is damaged as a result of brute force.

In Case You Are In Need Of 24-Hour Services

In the event that you experience a break-in, are locked out, or notice that your security systems and locks are damaged in any way, you’ll need quick access to a commercial locksmith.

However, finding one, especially at unsociable hours can be very difficult. Partnering with a commercial locksmith means that you can easily access these services when you need them at any hour of the day.

Lock-Up Services offers 24-hour emergency service, so if you’re in trouble and you need help from one of our trusty and expert locksmiths, we’ve got you covered!

To Manage Any Digital Security Systems

It’s no secret that the world has evolved past using more primitive locking systems like padlocks and chains to secure the physical structures around your business. While these can offer increased security whenever you need them, they tend to be very complex, require frequent upgrades, and use innovative access mechanisms.

To manage these systems, you’ll need a commercial locksmith who understands how to upgrade and fix complex technology, fix circuits and ensure that compromised electronics don’t damage your security.

Call Lock-Up Services Today If You Are In Need Of An Excellent Locksmith In The GTA!

If you want to protect your business with an excellent locksmith in Etobicoke, contact Lock-Up Services now! We offer a comprehensive range of locksmith services, helping our customers feel safe and secure at all times.

From barrier-free installation to access control systems, we offer so many commercial services that can protect your business from internal and external threats. We also provide 24/7 emergency services, so no matter what time of day it is, we’ll be here for you! Get in touch today to find out how we can help you!