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The Most Popular Types Of Commercial Door Locks

The Most Popular Types Of Commercial Door Locks


When determining the best lock for your door, it’s important to know the difference between residential and commercial door locks. There are several factors that distinguish commercial-grade locks and other types of locks. Contrary to what you may believe, the cost is not one of those factors.

You can acquire high-quality residential door locks which cost more than commercial locks and vice versa. One of the main differences between these locks is their durability – the front door of a business may be visited by hundreds of users a day, so you need a lock that can withstand a lot of foot traffic.

Commercial door locks generally come with higher security, as the building is less likely to be inhabited during the night. The locks may be electric, keyless, or only accessible by digital means. Furthermore, certain legislation may permit your lock to be easily accessible by keyholders due to disability laws. Here are the most popular types of commercial door locks.

Mortise Locks

A mortise lock is a lock that is fitted into the frame of the door, utilizing a sash lock and a sprung latch that remains locked until you use a key to open it. They’re typically found all over the world in older residential buildings.

Due to their security, mortise locks are being increasingly implemented into commercial buildings. Mortise locks are also flexible, as they allow the implementation of deadlocks and other security measures, along with the mortise lock itself.

Cylindrical Lever Locks

Cylindrical lever locks are another great option. Cylindrical lever locks work by using a key on the outside of the door to turn the cylinder, while the inside lever can unlock the door without using a key. To clarify, this means the door will stay locked on the outside and is easy to open on the inside. Cylindrical locks only use either a deadbolt or a latch.

Keypad Door Locks

Keypad door locks are a type of security door lock that uses pressable buttons with numbers or letters on them. These door locks can be more safe and secure than traditional locks.

Keypad door locks require electricity and will only open with the correct code, so you need to have a constant power source flowing into the lock to make proper use of it. Using a keyless lock can keep you safe and secure meaning nobody can find your spare key under the mat, take advantage of your duplicate keys, or steal your keys to get into the house.

Panic Bars

Panic bars (also commonly called crash bars or push bars) are perfect for doors that are intended to be used as emergency exits. So what do doors with panic bars look like? They are doors fitted with a long bar that can be easily pushed down for a quick exit.

The doors are inaccessible from the outside and set off a panic alarm when opened to alert employees of potential risk in the building.

Magnetic Locks

Gaining a lot of popularity (especially in Ontario), magnetic locks provide security by resisting external pressure and requiring very little maintenance. While most electric locks use power to unlock the door, magnetic locks use power to keep the door locked, meaning you aren’t trapped in the event of a power outage.

Unlocked by a passcode or reader, these locks are designed to only permit access to authorized personnel.

Need A Trusted Commercial Locksmith In Toronto?

If you’re in Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area and need a locksmith for your commercial property, look no further.

With over 50 years of locksmithing experience, Lock-Up Services are trained to install all kinds of residential and commercial locks and are here to help you improve your security. Consider contacting us today to see how we can help you with all your locksmith needs.