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Some Commercial Locksmith Terms That You Should Know

When accessing locksmith services, you need to have a firm grasp of what you’re asking for. Understanding basic locksmith terms can help you be clear and direct with your professional locksmith services, explicitly asking what you need. Keep reading as we discuss the basic terms and phrases you should know before contacting a Toronto locksmith.

Commercial Locksmith Terminology, What You Need To Know

Whether looking for door lock repair services or upgrading your commercial property security, you’ll benefit from understanding commercial locksmith terminology. Here’s everything you need to know.

Lock Rekeying

If you experience lock problems and can no longer use the same key to operate your door locks, your locksmith can rekey the lock. They do this by replacing the cylinder’s springs and pins that will be compatible with a new key.

Key Bitting

Key bitting is a term that describes the cuts carved in your key when it is made.

Key Bow

The bow of your key is the grip or handle of the key, which you may be able to customize according to your needs and desires.


Each manufacturer has a different keyway, which determines the pattern of the grooves on a key, or the ‘broach’.


The cam is part of the door lock and responsible for triggering the lock bolt mechanism once the door is unlocked.

Grand Master Key

The grand master key will work on all high-security locks installed under the master key system designed by your locksmith service.

Sub Master Key

A sub-master key allows you to implement role-based access permissions. Your sub-master key will unlock a specific subsection of locks under the master key system.

Access Credentials

Access credentials are any credentials that can be used to operate your door locks. Access credentials can be keycards, fobs, or even mobile access credentials, like digital access keycards.

Key Code

Sometimes, your locksmith service will stamp a key code on the bow of your key. This code can be used to access software, recreating keys digitally using the master key system.

Key Control

Key control is only accessible with a high-security lock. It serves as a patent for your keys, ensuring they cannot be copied by anyone other than your locksmith. If you have stringent security needs, it is essential to prioritize key control.

Cylinder Bumping

Cylinder bumping is a type of lockpicking. An emergency locksmith service can use this method to help you regain entry to your property if you have lost keys and become locked out of your business. During the process, your locksmith uses a bump key to align all the pins within your lock and unlock the door without a key. Unfortunately, many thieves use this lockpicking method, which is something to be mindful of when planning your security strategy.

Lock-Up Services, Commercial Locksmith Toronto

When seeking out the services of a commercial  locksmith in Toronto, you need to know what you’re asking. Knowing the terms listed above lets you understand your specific requirements and what to ask for when you pick up the phone. For commercial property security and emergency locksmith services in Toronto, contact us at Lock-Up Services – we have the experience and knowledge to meet all your security needs.